Privacy Policy

Komanche Privacy Policy

Introduction Komanche, a leader in Video Protection, is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy describes our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of personal information.

Information Collection We collect data such as usernames, email addresses, images and videos captured by cameras, and other information necessary to provide our services. This information is collected with your explicit consent.

Data Use The collected data is essential for offering, maintaining, and improving our services. It is also used for communication with clients and account management.

Data Sharing We do not share your data with third parties, except to provide our services or as required by law. All third-party partners are subject to strict confidentiality obligations.

Security We use advanced technologies to protect your data against unauthorized access, loss, or destruction.

Cookies and Similar Technologies Our service may use cookies to enhance the user experience. You have the option to refuse these cookies.

Links to Other Sites Our service may include links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these sites.

Child Privacy We do not knowingly collect data from children under the age of 13. If we learn that a child has provided us with personal information, we take steps to delete this information.

Policy Changes We may change this policy at any time. Changes will be effective upon their posting.

Contact For any questions or concerns, please contact us using the information available on our website.